Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Agent of Change

Technology can turn the powerless into an agent of change

Everyone has a reason to wants social change or wants a hand in affecting change. Even people who are uncomfortable with change, expect change in others in order to maintain the status quo.
There are six different types of agents of change.  The Ultra Committed Change-Maker is a zealot for social change whose life is revolves around their passion. The Faith-inspired Giver is an individual whose religious values propel their enthusiasm for change.  The social Conscious Consumer is a environmentally aware individual who often works for social justice causes. The Purposeful Participant aids his career and furthers their goals through social work. The Casual Contributor propelled by immediate issues in their community and Social Change Spectator participates personally in changes near and far.
Today, I worked with four first grade teachers who are working to get through their first weeks of a one to one digital device roll out.  After six months of preparations, the students received their iPads today yet the teachers are hesitant. More than hesitant, they choose to focus on the negative aspects of the device roll out instead of seeing how these very expensive tools can change the way their students look at life. They failed to see the privilege that comes with being part of an elevated demographics and all the material trappings that often blinds them to the plight of teachers worldwide that do not even have pencils for their students.
In the K-12 Horizon Report,  their is a call for change in the way schools work and in the way teachers work to maintain students engaged in what they are learning.  Teachers like the ones mentioned above are so engrossed in the way things “should be” that they are not paying attention to the way things “could be”.  They ignore a powerful juncture where they could become the fulcrum of social change by using the iPad to teach children how they too can be part of social change.  Children are agents of change instead they will learn apathy and protests.
Social change is birthed by one’s attitude and beliefs about their ability to make a difference.  In agreement with the social change agent quiz, I am a Socially Conscious Consumer.  This characterization explains my career choice and the way I chose to spend my resources. I have worked in West and East Africa in my quest to create changes and now I work in American schools to train children to uphold the American values such as innovation and progressive thinking.


  1. Matinga, I enjoyed reading your blog and I do concur with you that some teachers can be a hindrance to creating positive change. There are teachers who are not willing to utilize technology to motivate students to learn. What are some ways we can motivate teachers to use technology in the classroom?

  2. Reply to Kishema:
    I believe that studying teachers' profiles as change agents would be helpful to motivate them according to what moves them toward change.

    Wow, great post! I like so much the way you talk about the teachers with whom you work. I could feel the respect that you show for their doubts. I am sure you will be of great help for them!

  3. Matinga,
    I enjoyed reading your post. Do you think teachers are afraid of technology? I am not a tech expert, but I found that constant training helped me. I would love to see summer workshops and training for technology in my area. Then, follow-up workshops throughout the year. It is easier for me to learn without the pressure. Does your school district offer summer professional development for technology?


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